Wednesday, January 12, 2005

God's interview with Larry King about the tsunami...

got from a message in bulletin board of my friendster

Larry King:
So, how are things?

Good, all things considered I am excited about the new season of The Bachelor... Did you see the season premiere last night?

Larry King:
No, I only watch my own show.

I know, I was just checking

Larry King:
So, lets get down to it, the tsunami, what's the story?

Well, what do you want to know?

Larry King:
To start with, the world seems to think You have some explaining to do Do You care at all about what goes on down here?

Larry, I guarantee you that My Son and I have wept harder over this than you can fathom. My question for you is, Do you HUMANS care at all what is going on down there. As I look into your hearts, I realize that as many of you are disturbed about the tsunami because it proves your own helplessness, as you are because you are truly compassionate people.

Larry, do realize that for every week that passes on this planet, close to 300,000 people die of starvation? That is twice as many as died in the tsunami, BUT IT HAPPENS EVERY WEEK! Where is your outcry for them? Where is the news coverage? Where are the telethons with the movie stars?

The reality is, most of you only care when something invades your sense of security.

Larry King:
Sounds like you are dodging the question and pointing the finger. The question still remains, Why? Why would you do this?

Why do you think I did this?

Larry King:
Well, it seems that every pastor who gets some airtime says that God was trying to get our attention, or that God was punishing us, some
even say that God chose to let it happen. Isnt this kind of death and destruction a little dramatic for teaching mankind a lesson? Doesnt that kind of punishment seem unfair, I mean, what did those
Indonesian kids ever do to you? Are you powerless to prevent these things? Come on, give us the real story?

Yeah, those pastors can get annoying. They run their mouths without really thinking or praying about it. I think if they opened the Bible a little more, instead of just quoting it in their best sellers or throwing it at people, they might start pointing as many people to me as they do away from me!

Larry King:
So what are they missing? I want the truth.

God (with a snicker and an amazing Jack Nicholson impression):
You cant handle the truth

Larry King:
Sure, I can. What do you have to say for yourself?

Well, lets start with the Trying to get your attention theory. I am amazed that you folks only consider this theory when the bad stuff happens. Do you think that there is a second that goes by that I am not trying to get your attention? Do you not see that everything I have done, from the stars in the sky, to the cry of a newborn baby, to the life of My Own Son, is an attempt to get your attention?

Larry King:
So, are you saying that the tsunami WAS or WAS NOT a deliberate attempt to get our attention?

Was not.. Do you not remember My Son saying, It is a wicked and perverse generation that asks for a sign?.

Larry King:
I vaguely remember what are You trying to say?

My Son showed you more miraculous and inexplicable signs than this tsunami Imagine Him walking on top of that tsunami, or commanding it to stop, or bringing back to life someone who died because of it, four days later.

Larry King:
Wow that would be some sign! Think He would do any of that on my show?

Point is, mankind tends to either be entertained by signs or explain them away, but very rarely do signs convict any of your hearts. I am not going to kill 150,000 innocent people just to make a point
that most of you will ignore.

Larry King:
Granted. So, was it a form of punishment then?

Self knows you deserve it! But no.

Larry King:
But isnt that what You do, punish the wicked and things like that?

First of all Larry, the only thing that defines wickedness when it really comes down to it, is a choice to not choose Me. And that is a choice that even my most passionate children struggle with on a daily basis. That was kind of the whole point of My Son, to give you a hope, a vehicle, something to acknowledge your desire to be in a relationship with Me, even though you continue to blow it.

Larry King:
So then, are you punishing those who dont acknowledge Jesus?

No, not yet.

Larry King:
So, why then do people die tragically?

Larry, how old are you?

Larry King:


Larry King:


Larry King:
Alright, alright, I am 114.

Thank you.
Larry, ...are you excited to die?

Larry King:
No, not really.

But why? Havent you lived a great life? You have had more success than most will ever even dream of. You have had almost as many wives as Solomon. Youve got enough money to cryogenically freeze yourself for a couple of millennia. I would guess that you would even say that you have no major regrets, right?

Larry King:
Yeah, so?

Well, as I hear most people talk about it, they just want to live a good, full, life before they die. They say this, as if the sting of death is taken away by having lived well. But the reality is, death hurts our hearts whenever it comes. Death is always tragic. Whether you die at 1 or 100, most people would always choose for a longer life. Its part of what makes you human.

Larry King:
Okay, agreed. Continue

Point is, in this day and age, I do not use death to punish the overly wicked. The sad fact is, death is part of the deal, part of life. Adam & Eve brought it on mankind. Their willing choice separated them, and everyone after them, from the tree of life. Even then, I didnt punish them as much as I just followed through on my promise. Kind of one of the tough parts about being God having to stick to your word and all.

Life is 100% fatal, Larry. That is the way it is. My goal for your first-time around is not to take away death, but for you to learn to love me, because I choose to comfort you through it. Yea, though you
walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you will fear no evil, for I AM with you NOT, you will fear no evil, because I take you out of the valley.

Larry King:
So youre saying you werent trying to make a point or deliver judgment?

Think about it Larry. Pretty much every time I did that in the OLD TESTAMENT, I also gave you a prophet. I gave you someone who could clearly speak to the hearts of men about why this happened? Have you seen one yet? Have you seen one with any of the tragedies you can remember? I am not trying to make a point or punish people.

Larry King:
What about all the little kids who died, who never had an opportunity to make an educated choice about you?

Dont worry about them. I am a fair and just God, Larry.

Larry King:
What does that mean?

If I tried to explain it to you, your greasy hair would catch on fire and your head would explode. My judgment and grace are beyond your conceiving.

Larry King:
So, last question before we go to our break. If You are the all-powerful God, and could stop this, why didn't You?

It is all about free choice Larry.

Larry King:
How so?

This life is a crucible do you know what a crucible is used for, Larry?

Larry King:
It's a book, right?

Ummm anyway, a crucible is something used to heat things up and refine them, so that their purity can be discovered. I have allowed life to be like that. Truth is Larry, I dont care about judgement, or miracles, or signs, all I care about is you, and winning your heart.

Larry King:(smiling bashfully)

Larry, you have been married so many times that only scientific notation can express it. Did all those women enter into it of their own free will?

Larry King:(chuckling)
You cant prove otherwise.

Would you have wanted any of them to be forced into marrying you?

Larry King:

Every wonder if any of these amazingly gorgeous, significantly younger women you were marrying were doing it just for the money?

Larry King:
Wives 5 12.

Bummer, huh?

Larry King:

I dont want to wonder, Larry. I want to know that those who choose Me, choose Me in sickness and health. In poor and in plenty. The minute I begin tinkering with the way the world is, youd either
forget Me, or love Me for the wrong reasons.

Am I powerless? No, I am more powerful than you can conceive. Do you know how much will-power it takes to watch those you love make a mess of their lives, and reject Me in the process?

Tsunamis, tornadoes, heart attacks, birth defects, cancer from second-hand smoke, murder, whatever, are all products of a fallen world. That's all there is to it. I dont make it happen, but I
desperately want to help you pick up the pieces.

I want a relationship with you. But, before I spend an eternity with you, I want to know that you want Me too. That is what this life, with all its good and bad is. It;s a chance for you to give me an
authentic Yes or No.

Larry King:
Can I say, maybe?

Maybe life is shorter than you think Larry.


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